In this post:
*Return to a non-comic con life
*Making no progress on getting a job
*Trying to learn a computer program from a book
*Launching my website!
*Having fun with Portland band names
*Snow! and Ice!
*Return to a non-comic con life
*Making no progress on getting a job
*Trying to learn a computer program from a book
*Launching my website!
*Having fun with Portland band names
*Snow! and Ice!
Monday, January 27: Tired! Also everything seems rather uninteresting without people walking around dressed as Wonderwoman and Batman...
Tuesday, January 28: Went to Powell’s to try and sell some books, but I did not bring ID so could not—just hauling books around for no reason. Started to rain a bit, but had forgotten umbrella (pointless purchase?).
Spent time looking for new washcloths to replace two that I ruined that belong to Dee. (I haven't told her yet...shhhhh!). Dee has such nice stuff that I’m a bit fearful of ruining it, and now I have had this mishap. I always get thrift store stuff: cheap, recycled, and who cares if you spill on it or don’t wash it exactly according to manufacture recommendations? And do washcloths really need to be washed according to manufacture recommendations? They're washcloths!! But I guess they do...
Got home and there was a message from a temp agency about a job possibility! They want someone who knows InDesign . It’s so nice to hear something from someone!!!! I feel like I actually exist!!!! (But what is “InDesign”?)
Spent time looking for new washcloths to replace two that I ruined that belong to Dee. (I haven't told her yet...shhhhh!). Dee has such nice stuff that I’m a bit fearful of ruining it, and now I have had this mishap. I always get thrift store stuff: cheap, recycled, and who cares if you spill on it or don’t wash it exactly according to manufacture recommendations? And do washcloths really need to be washed according to manufacture recommendations? They're washcloths!! But I guess they do...
Got home and there was a message from a temp agency about a job possibility! They want someone who knows InDesign . It’s so nice to hear something from someone!!!! I feel like I actually exist!!!! (But what is “InDesign”?)
Wednesday, January 29: Temp agency person that called is gone to a conference for a “few days” (what is that, two? Three?? A week?????). Gah! Also, FINALLY heard back from the community college after seven weeks and I didn’t make the interview cut. Serious bummer.
Thursday, January 30: Scent wars this morning: I (nicely!) asked Jae to please use the fan and close the bathroom door after her shower since her shampoo was giving me a headache, and she in turn asked me (nicely!) to please use the fan in the morning since it was uncomfortable for her to come down for her coffee and smell broccoli every morning.
Does she not eat broccoli for breakfast?!? What’s up with that?
Very productive start to day. Started to do correspondence and then ended up not only doing that but also cleaning off shelves and to-do pile. I recycled the growing pile of Willamette Weekly and Mercury (two free local news/ entertainment guides) that I had been collecting. I kept a couple of them for some articles, but this week I came home with a copy of each just because I’ve been keeping them, I forgot why, but it must be necessary, so I brought them home! What a hoarder!!!!! But they are all gone now, except for the 911 hot spot article, so I don’t live in any of those places, and the volunteer guide.
Does she not eat broccoli for breakfast?!? What’s up with that?
Very productive start to day. Started to do correspondence and then ended up not only doing that but also cleaning off shelves and to-do pile. I recycled the growing pile of Willamette Weekly and Mercury (two free local news/ entertainment guides) that I had been collecting. I kept a couple of them for some articles, but this week I came home with a copy of each just because I’ve been keeping them, I forgot why, but it must be necessary, so I brought them home! What a hoarder!!!!! But they are all gone now, except for the 911 hot spot article, so I don’t live in any of those places, and the volunteer guide.

Friday, January 31: Soooooo tired of looking at the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I got my website up and running and sent out the address to mostly everyone (will finish tomorrow). My blog. My website. I’m so in, so social media savvy. Maybe Twitter is next?? (So, so kidding!)
I’m also realizing that I haven’t had a “day off” in probably a couple of weeks, which might explain why I’ve been so grumpy this week. That’s the thing about being unemployed: every day is a non-work day, so everything I do is non-work, right? I don’t notice because I don’t have a “real” job, and the kind of structure that brings, and so also don’t have any natural balance built into schedule right now. But don’t really feel comfortable going out and about, like that’s a waste of time that I could be using to get a job.
It’s amazing how the days seem to be flying by, how a day will be gone so quickly. Glad I have my hour or two of TV in the evenings, my internet connections with people, Penelope the dog, nice housemates, nice librarians, and nice grocery store clerks. I just have everything else on hold because the job is the thing right now. It’s all I can focus on. Ironically, it occurs to me that I might need to be out meeting people so as to be networking (yikes!!) but…we’ll see.
Saturday, February 1: Watched InDesign tutorials at library from today. It’s an Adobe program used for designing brochures, books, just about anything. Quite interesting, but complex. Blades of Glory on tonight TV tonight, so that was a silly diversion (yay!) but I pooped out on it at 9:30. Cannot seem to stay up past that, even though I wake up at different times in the morning.
Sunday, February 2: Attempted to go to Forest Park, but directions were wrong, so will try again next week. Got InDesign books at library, checked on yet another store for washcloths, and managed to actually sell books at Powell’s today. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching the Super Bowl commercials and studying InDesign during the game (is it possible to learn computer programs from books?). Feeling like I’m getting a better handle on it. Probably have no shot at this job, but at least I will have done what I can. Have a better chance of learning InDesign than Spanish, at least!

Monday, February 3: Still no job news. Sigh. Talked with my friend Raya on the phone this evening, so that was nice.
Penelope likes me being unemployed because then she gets to spend more time with me! (But why does she always look so pitiful? I must say, cats certainly have more dignity!)
Tuesday, February 4: Some anxiety today about perfume issues at the house. Both ladies wear scented stuff and between that and all the perfume-y people coming into the library lately, I’m feeling rather icky. Also had a note about the dishwasher; apparently after two lessons on how to load it just so I am still not quite there. Trying not to over-react to this, but seriously? Rather nit-picky, I think. Not a great day for the house!
However, the homeless population is a strong presence in Portland, and when I see a a person sleeping in a bundle of blankets on the side of the road, I am reminded to be thankful, so I am. I am. I tend to focus on the little things and forget to be thankful for the big things.
However, the homeless population is a strong presence in Portland, and when I see a a person sleeping in a bundle of blankets on the side of the road, I am reminded to be thankful, so I am. I am. I tend to focus on the little things and forget to be thankful for the big things.
Wednesday, February 5: Sunny and cold and windy! Last two days were cold and windy, too, with snow flurries (they didn’t stick). Felt soooo familiar, like Michigan. So weird to look out the window and see those flakes falling. Disorienting.
Doing better today. Jae worked on using the fan and being considerate, and I opened the doors, used the fan and stayed out of her way. She left about 10 am. I made a huge mess in the kitchen and enjoyed leaving it there for an hour before cleaning it up. :)
Doing better today. Jae worked on using the fan and being considerate, and I opened the doors, used the fan and stayed out of her way. She left about 10 am. I made a huge mess in the kitchen and enjoyed leaving it there for an hour before cleaning it up. :)
Bands Names
Thursday, February 6: Music scene is huge here in Portland, and although I’m sorry to say I don’t have much interest, I like the band names. Check out a little sample (and I added several made up names—can you guess the fakes? Answers are further on the page, after the photo)
Hong Kong Banana Metal Shop Analog Mistress Hashtag Dreamtime A Great Big Pile of Leaves Jake Ray & the Cowdogs Lindsay Lou and the Flatbellys Grateful Buds The Cool Whips Tough Lovepyle The Toasters Faithless Saints Dr. Hoo | Hopeless Jack & the Handsome Devil Surf Weasels Discofunkification Because I Said So Clear Plastic Masks Puppy Charade Chronological Injustice Betrayed By Weakness Lady Problems This Versus That American Roulette The Planet Crashers The Honus Huffines |
The fakes (although, they could be real somewhere, right?) are: Hashtag Dreamtime, Because I Said So, and Puppy Charade. That’s right! “A Great Big Pile of Leaves” and “Clear Plastic Masks” and all the rest of them are real band names! My absolute favorite is “Lady Problems” because I keep wondering what the lady problems are. A band unlucky in love? A band of problem-causing ladies roaming the streets? Or a girl band with feminine hygiene issues?
Please feel free to drop in a comment or e-mail on your own band name idea! It’s pretty fun! If I had a band, I would call it “Cat-land Sunbeam” and we would play relaxing new age stuff and our audiences would all be very quiet and peaceful and then fall asleep. I also like the name “Serious Bummer” which could be my blues/folk band where I would make everyone cry with pathetic songs about being unemployed and having no social life. (Not that I would know where to draw this kind of material from or anything!)
Please feel free to drop in a comment or e-mail on your own band name idea! It’s pretty fun! If I had a band, I would call it “Cat-land Sunbeam” and we would play relaxing new age stuff and our audiences would all be very quiet and peaceful and then fall asleep. I also like the name “Serious Bummer” which could be my blues/folk band where I would make everyone cry with pathetic songs about being unemployed and having no social life. (Not that I would know where to draw this kind of material from or anything!)
Friday, February 7: the big news here is the snow! Admit it, you feel better knowing that I have to deal with some, too! I can be glad right now that I don’t: A. Have a car; and B. Have a job.
There are several inches on the ground, and they shut down the library, and Dee came home early for work. This is odd, I think, but Portland doesn't have equipment to handle snow, and it's really coming down and blowing, so I guess they have to think of that. Long lines at the grocery store today, too.
There are several inches on the ground, and they shut down the library, and Dee came home early for work. This is odd, I think, but Portland doesn't have equipment to handle snow, and it's really coming down and blowing, so I guess they have to think of that. Long lines at the grocery store today, too.
Saturday, February 8: Well! It looks like Michigan! Very disorienting!!!!! Libraries, banks, UPS store, closed today. People are out and about more than I've seen before, excited about the snow. It's like a holiday.
Take your dog for a walk in the street? Sure! Why not? Hardly anyone is driving anyway. Or maybe a little cross country skiing? Even better!
Streets got blocked off to make sledding hills, and people were toting groceries and kids in little sleds. It was pretty, and the snow fell off and on all Saturday and everyone was in a good mood (except the poor cashiers at the grocery store, as the lines continued all day, and they were down to half staff due to people not being able to get to work.) It was so quiet, too, without the nearby expressway being used by much of anyone.
Streets got blocked off to make sledding hills, and people were toting groceries and kids in little sleds. It was pretty, and the snow fell off and on all Saturday and everyone was in a good mood (except the poor cashiers at the grocery store, as the lines continued all day, and they were down to half staff due to people not being able to get to work.) It was so quiet, too, without the nearby expressway being used by much of anyone.
Sunday, February 9: Last night the snow turned to freezing rain and now everything is coated with ice. It's rather pretty, but slippery! I ventured out take a few pictures and then spent most of the day inside. Getting a little cabin fever now. No internet for three days! Also the transportation system is not all up and running, but I don't trust it anyway, as on the news are pictures of buses that slid off the road.
Monday, February 10: Melting mess outside! But hadn't gone out to mailbox in a couple of weeks so braved the giant slush-puddles and went to my UPS store (ironically, there is a UPS store in my neighborhood--if only I had known!). Right foot stepped wrong twice--right into the cold wet! Yuk!
Got a job rejection letter back, but had a really nice hand-written note on it. I was quite interested in this job, for an organization called Write Around Portland, but they had over 120 applicants, and they were hoping for someone bilingual in English/Spanish. Bummer. I might end up doing some volunteer work for them at some point--very interesting organization that leads writing workshops with all sorts of groups.
The good news is that there are some really interesting jobs out there; the bad news is that there are some serious contenders for these jobs (serious bilingual contenders!). I'm doing a lot of writing, and maybe that will turn into something at some point, but that takes a while (I've checked! There aren't any shortcuts to earning a living writing! Most people don't actually ever make a full living doing it...). Also am keeping an eye out for light industrial temping (since the office temping thing is going nowhere), and there's always that "Seeking Smiling Faces" sign at the fast food restaurant over by the mall (shudder).

Tuesday, February 11: Got a packet from former co-worker Jeanne with little cards from her classes. So sweet! Lots of "I miss you" type messages; one note hoping that I was enjoying riding the subways, and a few requests to come back and visit. Holding these notes in my hands, seeing the names and the familiar styles of writing and art, I felt like I was back at Kandu, but now just getting to enjoy all the good stuff. Jeanne included her own note, and an amazing quote:
What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. --Helen Keller
This is really meaningful to me as I think about everyone back in Holland, and everyone elsewhere that I've been connecting with more during and because of this new journey. I'm so moved and uplifted by the amazing outpouring of support by so many people, especially when I'm low and worried and wondering what in the world I'm doing. No matter how far away I am, everything and everyone that I have loved gets to stay a part of me, too.
Wednesday, February 12: It would be terribly, terribly mean to tell you that all the snow is gone, that a soft rain slowly tapped away at it, and now everything is damp, and warm-ish and slightly frost-bitten, but otherwise back to what it was a week ago. That would just be mean. So I won't tell you that.
Thursday, February, 13: Have been enjoying watching the Olympics every evening, as I'm sure many of you are, too!
Nothing special today. I'm trying to stay close to home and be productive, so more of the same. I think it’s time to switch to more of a weekly or event-type update system, rather than a daily one. You all know what’s going on: I’m looking for work, frustrated that I don’t have a job yet, taking lots of walks, doing lots of writing, learning to co-habitate, and am trying to find some balance.
I’ll keep you posted of any changes or anything that seems interesting! And please feel free to let me know your news, too :)
Nothing special today. I'm trying to stay close to home and be productive, so more of the same. I think it’s time to switch to more of a weekly or event-type update system, rather than a daily one. You all know what’s going on: I’m looking for work, frustrated that I don’t have a job yet, taking lots of walks, doing lots of writing, learning to co-habitate, and am trying to find some balance.
I’ll keep you posted of any changes or anything that seems interesting! And please feel free to let me know your news, too :)
Friday, February 14: Happy Valentine's Day!