In this post:
*A not completely ugly city
*Job interview!
*Bro fixing the car
*Spring, interrupted
*A not completely ugly city
*Job interview!
*Bro fixing the car
*Spring, interrupted
Saturday, April 12: What a difference a week makes! Last Saturday, I was not in a great place emotionally, but am now settled in and past the sinus infection and the Big Transition and all of the moving-related stuff. And even finally (thankfully!) saw something interesting...
This morning, after a visiting the Auburn library and getting a library card and books (yay!) I got lost on the way home and saw this:
This morning, after a visiting the Auburn library and getting a library card and books (yay!) I got lost on the way home and saw this:
It was the snowmelt rushing over the rocks in the Androscoggin River! It was a very warm day, and the air being pushed off the falls was very cold and damp, carrying the north cold with it. The blue sky and rushing, churning water and the brick buildings on the far side all made for quite a pretty scene. So the city has some charm after all!
Below is a photo of Lewiston, the the right of the river falls. Auburn, where I was standing, is on the left side of the river. (To be geographically correct, that would actually be Lewiston on the east side and Auburn on the west.)
Below is a photo of Lewiston, the the right of the river falls. Auburn, where I was standing, is on the left side of the river. (To be geographically correct, that would actually be Lewiston on the east side and Auburn on the west.)

Sunday, April 13: Got another credit card—hard to believe anyone would be fool enough to give me credit at the moment, but they did. Feel I have truly sunk to a new low, but feel better about this than trying to get government assistance: might as well use my college education and decent credit score to get by with more debt!
But truly good news today: The grass is greening! Just like that! What was just brown a few days ago is now partly green! And there are shoots of mystery plants coming up all over the place. FINALLY!!!!!!! It’s happening!!!!!! And there is a very loud chorus of chirping frogs at night now (we are only a short distance from Lake Auburn, the city water reservoir.) It’s happening!!!
But truly good news today: The grass is greening! Just like that! What was just brown a few days ago is now partly green! And there are shoots of mystery plants coming up all over the place. FINALLY!!!!!!! It’s happening!!!!!! And there is a very loud chorus of chirping frogs at night now (we are only a short distance from Lake Auburn, the city water reservoir.) It’s happening!!!
Monday, April 14: Warm day, almost 70, sunny this morning, overcast now. Have been studying today for retaking the Word and Excel tests at Adecco. Pam, my contact there, set up an interview for me for a job that sounds reasonably interesting, but I need higher computer scores. Why is it always the computers??? Have been using Microsoft Office 2010 for Dummies to play around on my computer, which has the 2007 version—close enough. Holy cow, there are so many things to do on Word--did you know you can edit photos? Very interesting!
Tuesday, April 15: Went for a walk in the drizzly morning, saw a crocus in the yard! Then spent the day alternately reading magazines from the library and studying for Word and Excel test tomorrow. Also took a long break to do ironing and mending—very soothing with the rain falling outside and the frogs chirping.
Fussing today about going back to work, and what it will all be like to be here in Auburn for six months or a year or two—must get back on feet and don’t want to be without funds again, EVER, and it can take awhile to get established with writing (or possibly never...). Seems like two entirely different things right now, one side of things is job, bills, laundry, etc. and the other side is this crazy, vague writing dream all by itself. Might help if I actually sold something that I wrote? Would that bring the two worlds together?
Fussing today about going back to work, and what it will all be like to be here in Auburn for six months or a year or two—must get back on feet and don’t want to be without funds again, EVER, and it can take awhile to get established with writing (or possibly never...). Seems like two entirely different things right now, one side of things is job, bills, laundry, etc. and the other side is this crazy, vague writing dream all by itself. Might help if I actually sold something that I wrote? Would that bring the two worlds together?
Wednesday, April 16: There is snow everywhere!!!!!! Heard the icy pellets of it hitting the windows last night, and now everything is covered. It’s only an inch or so, but, YUK! Am not going to admit that the big evergreen outside my window looks pretty, or that the bright sunshine on the snow is sort of dazzling.
Retook the computer tests today, and a writing test which was multiple choice for grammar and making professional choices about memos and letters and such. I did well enough, although embarrassed at some of the questions I missed. So now it’s just up to the interview. Starting to feel nervous.
After Adecco, I went to Shaws grocery store and got monopoly game pieces, as am now into the monopoly contest they are doing—there’s money and free groceries! Am going for the big bucks or possibly a boat. That would just solve all of my problems--a nice big boat! Or perhaps an X-Box. Haven't tried that yet; perhaps it's the missing link in my pursuit of happiness??
By afternoon, most of the snow melted—very sunny day. The grass us still green and the crocus is still blooming :)
Spent evening practicing interview questions via on-line information. Cannot believe some of the questions that are supposedly commonly asked. Of course, there is the usual stuff asking about strengths or weaknesses, the "Tell me about yourself" questions, and the ones that are innocent enough, but can get you in trouble if you are interviewing for a job that you aren't crazy about, like “What are you passionate about?” or “What is your dream job?” as truthful answers might not work out well for you. But some of the questions are tricky, weird, invasive...
“What is the greatest disappointment of your life?”
“What was your last supervisor’s biggest criticism of you?”
"If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?"
"Tell me about a time that you got very angry at work and what you did about it."
"Do you want this job? Then why during our entire conversation haven’t you asked for it?"
Oh my! So of course I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the vegetable question--need to find one of those on-line surveys, like "Which gem are you?" or fruit, animal, flower, color, etc., but those never seem to be quite accurate anyway. I would end up being something like cauliflower and, and I don't even like cauliflower!
If someone asked you what vegetable you were, what would you say?
But it's fine, because of course, most of the questions are the usual sorts of "Why are you qualified," "Why are you interested," "Why are you leaving your other job" type things, and most standard interviews just use those. Right?
Retook the computer tests today, and a writing test which was multiple choice for grammar and making professional choices about memos and letters and such. I did well enough, although embarrassed at some of the questions I missed. So now it’s just up to the interview. Starting to feel nervous.
After Adecco, I went to Shaws grocery store and got monopoly game pieces, as am now into the monopoly contest they are doing—there’s money and free groceries! Am going for the big bucks or possibly a boat. That would just solve all of my problems--a nice big boat! Or perhaps an X-Box. Haven't tried that yet; perhaps it's the missing link in my pursuit of happiness??
By afternoon, most of the snow melted—very sunny day. The grass us still green and the crocus is still blooming :)
Spent evening practicing interview questions via on-line information. Cannot believe some of the questions that are supposedly commonly asked. Of course, there is the usual stuff asking about strengths or weaknesses, the "Tell me about yourself" questions, and the ones that are innocent enough, but can get you in trouble if you are interviewing for a job that you aren't crazy about, like “What are you passionate about?” or “What is your dream job?” as truthful answers might not work out well for you. But some of the questions are tricky, weird, invasive...
“What is the greatest disappointment of your life?”
“What was your last supervisor’s biggest criticism of you?”
"If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?"
"Tell me about a time that you got very angry at work and what you did about it."
"Do you want this job? Then why during our entire conversation haven’t you asked for it?"
Oh my! So of course I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the vegetable question--need to find one of those on-line surveys, like "Which gem are you?" or fruit, animal, flower, color, etc., but those never seem to be quite accurate anyway. I would end up being something like cauliflower and, and I don't even like cauliflower!
If someone asked you what vegetable you were, what would you say?
But it's fine, because of course, most of the questions are the usual sorts of "Why are you qualified," "Why are you interested," "Why are you leaving your other job" type things, and most standard interviews just use those. Right?
Thursday, April 17: Interview was today. Felt really good about it overall, but as the day is going on, worried that I talked too much. I did talk too much at times, but was it excessively too much, or just a bit too much?
Two people conducted the interview, and one of them was the direct supervisor for the job, and I really liked her. And they made the interview easy in that both of them together created a nice dynamic and there were no questions about passions or disappointments or vegetables. They each had a copy of my resume in front of them, and they asked very specific questions about what I had been doing and also posed hypothetical questions for the new job. But they did start the interview with, “So. Maine?” with a dubious look, as in, ”Why in the world would you relocate here?” And I laughed and said, “I know, Maine, right? And Auburn, right?” And I just said that I had needed a change from west Michigan, and that I had family in the area. That seemed to be a satisfactory answer (and that one was short!).
The job is for the insurance company I was bemoaning in my last post; however, it's actually not an insurance company but a medical billing and medical product distribution company. And instead of processing bills, this new job possibility has a training component, a technical writing component, and a quality control component. So I’d get to teach, write, and nit-pick. Perfect, right? :)
But one thing would be funny if they hired me: so far, I’m the only candidate that Adecco has offered them for this particular position. So that would make it three for three--three jobs out of three jobs where I was the only candidate and I got hired. See, it works way easier if you are the only one. I highly recommend this method of job searching.
Two people conducted the interview, and one of them was the direct supervisor for the job, and I really liked her. And they made the interview easy in that both of them together created a nice dynamic and there were no questions about passions or disappointments or vegetables. They each had a copy of my resume in front of them, and they asked very specific questions about what I had been doing and also posed hypothetical questions for the new job. But they did start the interview with, “So. Maine?” with a dubious look, as in, ”Why in the world would you relocate here?” And I laughed and said, “I know, Maine, right? And Auburn, right?” And I just said that I had needed a change from west Michigan, and that I had family in the area. That seemed to be a satisfactory answer (and that one was short!).
The job is for the insurance company I was bemoaning in my last post; however, it's actually not an insurance company but a medical billing and medical product distribution company. And instead of processing bills, this new job possibility has a training component, a technical writing component, and a quality control component. So I’d get to teach, write, and nit-pick. Perfect, right? :)
But one thing would be funny if they hired me: so far, I’m the only candidate that Adecco has offered them for this particular position. So that would make it three for three--three jobs out of three jobs where I was the only candidate and I got hired. See, it works way easier if you are the only one. I highly recommend this method of job searching.

Friday, April 18:
Hanging out with Philip while he worked on the car. He has an old car he's fixing up (struts, breaks...don't know what all). Dude can basically fix, build, make, invent, create anything, and if he doesn't know how, he'll figure it out.
Later in the day Pam from Adecco called and said that they are offering me the job! Yay! / Gulp!
She is starting the background check stuff, which could take a couple of weeks, and then I have to work for at least 6 weeks as a temp, and then if they want to hire me in, then they will, same money, but with benefits. So! Hmm. Not sure what to think, but relieved? At least things are moving along, so could be working in a couple of weeks?? Pending the background check of course, which could be tricky with all the trouble I got into in Portland (so, so kidding).
It would be good to be working again; have been writing, but am getting a bit batty just hanging out here all the time, except for borrowing the truck to drive for groceries or the library, or taking my daily walk to the malls and to get Monopoly pieces.
Green, green!! It's happening!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 19: Spent most of the day writing, arguing with myself over various writing issues, worrying about whether I can make my current project be what I imagine it to be. Odd how things seems so nice and perfect while tossing around in my head, but then come out quite a mess on the paper. Really gloomy cloud hanging over me all day with it, but whatever. Can't let the mood dictate the actions. If I only waited until I felt like it or was in the mood for it, I would only write about an hour a week!
Took daily walk to the real mall, wondering why so many people in the mall are wearing flip flops and/or shorts. It’s 50 degrees outside, with a very chilly wind. I don’t know… I was wearing my winter coat, and glad of it. These Maine folks, they must be tough stuff.
Also, why do people make their kids have a picture with the Easter Bunny when the kid is completely crying and freaking out? Those Easter Bunny costumes are kind of scary. Do parents not see it? Are they caught up in the need for the 8 x 10 to put on the mantle for a "happy" Easter memory? Why would they even want a picture of their child's tear-stained face looking up warily at some creepy giant-headed rabbit?
The only thing worse would be clown holiday photos. Can you imagine?????
Took daily walk to the real mall, wondering why so many people in the mall are wearing flip flops and/or shorts. It’s 50 degrees outside, with a very chilly wind. I don’t know… I was wearing my winter coat, and glad of it. These Maine folks, they must be tough stuff.
Also, why do people make their kids have a picture with the Easter Bunny when the kid is completely crying and freaking out? Those Easter Bunny costumes are kind of scary. Do parents not see it? Are they caught up in the need for the 8 x 10 to put on the mantle for a "happy" Easter memory? Why would they even want a picture of their child's tear-stained face looking up warily at some creepy giant-headed rabbit?
The only thing worse would be clown holiday photos. Can you imagine?????
Sunday, April 20: Everything is closed due to Easter! It all shuts down here, even Wal-Mart is closed! There is a giant—seriously, staggeringly big—Catholic church in Lewiston, and it’s not that big of a city, so I’m wondering if this is a very religious community? Holland was quite full of churches, but I don’t remember things being so closed up on Easter.
Wednesday, April 23: Rode the bus for the first time today. Haven't used it before due to it being inconvenient and also due to the fact that there really doesn't seem to be anywhere to go. There was classic rock playing, and lots of rules posted all over the place, one of which was “Don't talk to the driver while the vehicle is in motion.” On the return trip, the driver disregarded this completely and talked to the passengers sitting near him, and turned his head to do it!
A lady sitting near me was talking about Florida, saying how she wouldn't want to live in Florida because of the weather issues. I thought, a person who lives in Maine thinks that Florida has weather issues? You know every place has some kind of weather issues, sure, but people go to Florida for the weather. How many people go to Maine for the weather??
There is a lot of light here, though, that’s for certain; the winters are apparently are quite dark due to it being so far north, but that means, conversely, that there's more light in the summer. Right now, it starts to get light here around 5 a.m. with sunrise at currently at 5:45 am and sunset around 7:45 pm. With my bedroom windows facing east, it certainly didn't take very long to adjust at the time difference from the west coast! Now, I’m looking for ways to keep the sun out so I can sleep. And am wondering: Just how early does it come up, mid-summer??
A lady sitting near me was talking about Florida, saying how she wouldn't want to live in Florida because of the weather issues. I thought, a person who lives in Maine thinks that Florida has weather issues? You know every place has some kind of weather issues, sure, but people go to Florida for the weather. How many people go to Maine for the weather??
There is a lot of light here, though, that’s for certain; the winters are apparently are quite dark due to it being so far north, but that means, conversely, that there's more light in the summer. Right now, it starts to get light here around 5 a.m. with sunrise at currently at 5:45 am and sunset around 7:45 pm. With my bedroom windows facing east, it certainly didn't take very long to adjust at the time difference from the west coast! Now, I’m looking for ways to keep the sun out so I can sleep. And am wondering: Just how early does it come up, mid-summer??
Thursday, April 24: Finally seeing some flowers: a few daffodils, including the teeniest little daffodil, about 3 inches high, and two short little red tulips just starting to bloom, and four skinny crocus outside my window. The spring flowers here are decidedly less robust than what was happening over in Oregon! But it's still very, very nice to see them!!
Friday, April 25: So now just waiting. There's another week, at least, before the background check could be done, could be a little longer. I'm not particularly worried that they're going to find any dirt on me since there isn't any; the thing that I'm feeling anxious about is actually working again. The closer I get to an actual possible start date, the more real it's starting to feel, and the scarier it's becoming. This is a real job that I will have to start from the ground up learning and committing to and really putting energy into. Am I really up for that? But then again, do I have a choice at the moment?
I've been working in a place for the last eight years that doesn't care if I'm having a bad hair day most of the time, or a wear a sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers to work all of the time, and where people just automatically love you the minute you walk in the door, and where sudden dancing and singing and being a goof-ball is not only accepted, but a recommended way to get through the day. But now--if I get the job--I'm going to be at a for-profit company where I will need to be business professional all the time. I can do that, I can. It's just not a natural fit for me, so I'm wondering what that's going to do to my new life plan of being more authentic and real.
Of course, this is just for the moment, before I become a rich and famous author and only ever do things that feel authentic and real. Right?
I guess time will tell. I kind of need to actually get the job first, so maybe I'll just focus on that for now. And then one day at a time, just like anything else.
Friday, April 25: So now just waiting. There's another week, at least, before the background check could be done, could be a little longer. I'm not particularly worried that they're going to find any dirt on me since there isn't any; the thing that I'm feeling anxious about is actually working again. The closer I get to an actual possible start date, the more real it's starting to feel, and the scarier it's becoming. This is a real job that I will have to start from the ground up learning and committing to and really putting energy into. Am I really up for that? But then again, do I have a choice at the moment?
I've been working in a place for the last eight years that doesn't care if I'm having a bad hair day most of the time, or a wear a sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers to work all of the time, and where people just automatically love you the minute you walk in the door, and where sudden dancing and singing and being a goof-ball is not only accepted, but a recommended way to get through the day. But now--if I get the job--I'm going to be at a for-profit company where I will need to be business professional all the time. I can do that, I can. It's just not a natural fit for me, so I'm wondering what that's going to do to my new life plan of being more authentic and real.
Of course, this is just for the moment, before I become a rich and famous author and only ever do things that feel authentic and real. Right?
I guess time will tell. I kind of need to actually get the job first, so maybe I'll just focus on that for now. And then one day at a time, just like anything else.

Beautiful warm day today, and passed this tree of fuzzy buds on the way home from the malls.
Spring is here :)
Yay for us all!!!!!!